
3D-Rotation-Equivariant Quaternion Neural Networks

Published in ECCV, 2020

Abstract. This paper proposes a set of rules to revise various neural networks for 3D point cloud processing to rotation-equivariant quaternion neural networks (REQNNs). We find that when a neural network uses quaternion features, the network feature naturally has the rotation-equivariance property. Rotation equivariance means that applying a specific rotation transformation to the input point cloud is equivalent to applying the same rotation transformation to all intermediate-layer quaternion features. Besides, the REQNN also ensures that the intermediate-layer features are invariant to the permutation of input points. Compared with the original neural network, the REQNN exhibits higher rotation robustness.

Utility Analysis of Network Architectures for 3D Point Cloud Processing

Published in arXiv, 2019

Abstract. In this paper, we diagnose deep neural networks for 3D point cloud processing to explore utilities of different network architectures. We propose a number of hypotheses on the effects of specific network architectures on the representation capacity of DNNs. In order to prove the hypotheses, we design five metrics to diagnose various types of DNNs from the following perspectives, information discarding, information concentration, rotation robustness, adversarial robustness, and neighborhood inconsistency. We conduct comparative studies based on such metrics to verify the hypotheses. We further use the verified hypotheses to revise architectures of existing DNNs to improve their utilities. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.